ss design is an award-winning studio specializing in medical + scientific visualization and design. We use visual media, design and storytelling to create interactive, educational and impactful experiences.
We take pride in our design-driven approach, and our expertise in bringing accurate, visually-stunning and impactful digital experiences to life through science, art, design, and technology. We believe the best work happens when we join forces and have fun along the way! Interested in creating something awesome together? Give us a shout.
Contact us at info@ss-design.site.
Select clients – Boston Scientific, Switch Health, MTV, University Health Network, Surgo Health, Digizyme, University of Toronto, Ontario Veterinary College, Queen’s University, Nodexus, Visual Capitalist, and more.

Shehryar (Shay) Saharan
Founder & Scientific Visualizer and Designer
👋 Hi there! I am the founder of ss design, an award-winning medical + scientific visualization and design studio based in Toronto, Canada. I work with organizations in science, medicine, education and technology to communicate complex concepts through impactful and memorable visualizations. Alongside my work at the studio, I am an Assistant Professor at the MScBMC program (Masters of Science in Biomedical Communications) at the University of Toronto, instructing courses in visualization technologies and interactive design.
I completed my undergraduate training in Biomedical Engineering (B.Eng, Specializing in Biomechanics) at the University of Guelph, and my graduate studies in Biomedical Communications (MScBMC, Specializing in Scientific Interactive Design & Animation) at the University of Toronto.
Over the years, I have realized that I do not want to be confined to the role of an engineer, scientist, artist, or designer – my goal is to work at the crossroads in between. As a Scientific Visualizer and Designer, I have the expertise to design solutions, not tied to any one discipline or technological solution – the possibilities are only limited by one’s imagination. Whether it’s my work in the research and development of medical devices or the creation of educational content for biomechanics, I see the incredible opportunity, importance, and application of this field everywhere I look – and I’d love nothing more than to collaborate with awesome people and create works that are inventive and build upon the current standards of developing accurate, visually-stunning and impactful scientific visualizations & designs.
Get in touch. ✉️
Let’s create something awesome together or just grab a coffee and chat ☕. Contact us at info@ss-design.site or fill out the form below: